Special Feature Issue: LORI ANDERSON MOSEMAN



ABOUT Peep/Show #7

Lori Anderson Moseman’s compositions always offer particularized insights into the familiar. In “Orbit Limits” I stare at “Place Mats.” Their points of balance between colors, shapes, words, objects, textures are fluid bodies with moveable barycenters. Induced by elemental thrust I am ushered to watch, read, feel, move with total autonomy. Painted waters, bleeding tides, paper sails, typed paddles, reflected seashells, marble clit: all prompt instructions & their contraries with sacred simplicity &/or simple gravity.
               “Cut your own cheese,” 

               “Stay on your lane”

               (from conversations between us)

               “She heaves a shovel full

               he heaves a shovel full

               a slow throw at a time” 

               from All Steel —Hand tools / Wall street —Flim Forum Press

Chez Lori the center mass is always deeply felt —purposely, playfully, thoughtfully, consciously & unconsciously located outside the expected body.

                                                              ---Nicole Peyrafitte
                                                                  February, 2014


 o r b i t   l i m i t s




Lori Anderson Moseman’s newest poetry collection, All Steel, is from Flim Forum Press. Anderson Moseman is the author of Temporary Bunk (Swank Books), Persona (Swank Books), Cultivating Excess (The Eighth Mountain Press) and Walking the Dead (Heaven Bone Press). She founded the Stockport Flats press in the wake of federal Disaster #1649, a flood along the Upper Delaware River. Her work recently has appeared in literary journals, 100 Word Story, dislocate, divide, Epoch, Portland Review, Terrain.org: A Journal of the Built &; Natural Environments, Trickhouse.org, Tonopah Review, The Volta.org and Yellow Field, Water-Stone.

NicolePeyrafitte is a Pyrenean-born multidisciplinary artist whose videos, paintings, writings, singing & cooking are often integrated into multimedia stagings. Her latest projects include the documentary film Basil King: Mirage as producer & co-director (with Miles Joris-Peyrafitte), & Bi-Valve, a performance project that includes 17 texts, 14 paintings & 3 Videos.